To be aware that you are unaware heightens arousal—it begets intrigue.
You begin to dedicate a little more of your bandwidth to watching your thoughts as they unfold. To psycho-analyze at times, and other times, to surrender. To watch as you cultivate gratitude at times, while other times, fall into the fiery pit of comparison. You begin to experience your emotions. Not with hard edges, claws out, but with infinite curiosity and feral wonder.
Being aware that you are unaware offers you a window to direct your focus, not just to what’s in front of you but peripherally. To see the shadow without having to blame it or use it as an excuse. To give it a nod but not become enveloped in its thick fog.
For better or for worse, you decide where you allow your mind to settle on most. You decide what you project out into the world and what you pull into yours vis-à-vis your perceptual filters. That is what separates humans from other species: We are gifted with a prefrontal cortex capable of carrying out highly sophisticated executive functions. A monkey can’t ponder deeply existential questions. You can.
And on this journey, you will have to show up wide-eyed and prepared to take notes. Because life is a series of lessons in causality. There are no accidents, only synchronicities.
You contain multitudes, and frankly, we wouldn’t want it any other way. From vast-bodied oceans, windy coastlines, blisteringly hot deserts, and steep-graded mountains—you belong to this wildly complicated mess of existence.